Welcome, friends!
here’s a little about Faithandink.org

Day to day life can be incredibly difficult. It’s easy to get bogged down by daily routines and stressors. Before you know it, the years go flying by and leave you with a whirlwind of memories. I know from personal experience that it’s hard to stay in the moment – especially when there’s always something to get done or a deadline that’s inching closer. I found myself grasping for something to satisfy me, but could never seem to feel fulfilled with what I thought might fill the empty feeling I carried with me. Life can feel overwhelming. It is overwhelming. It’s fast-paced, unpredictable, and yet way too short. I wanted to find an answer. I was tired of feeling exhausted and unmotivated. How do other people do it? How do other people seem to have it all put together? I knew there had to be some kind of answer.
That’s when I realized – life doesn’t have to feel this way.
Our minds are powerful. They constantly formulate ideas, learn so many new things, and can remember an endless stream of information. I was feeling unsatisfied because I was choosing to be dissatisfied. When I took a step back and looked around at my life, I realized that I actually did have way more than I could ever ask for. Definitely way more than I could ever deserve. I may not have the nicest car, but I have a vehicle that safely gets me to and from work. I may not have the fanciest sectional in my living room, but I have two very well-loved couches that have been a place where I’ve made endless memories with my loved ones. In fact – my ugly couches that were purchased nearly 30 years ago are found in photos with my late grandmother holding me as an infant. Those couches may be falling apart (and eventually will be replaced), but they have always been a part of a safe, comfortable home.
Faith and Ink is designed to be a platform bursting with gratitude. Not just for big and exciting accomplishments, but specifically for finding comfort and contentment in the mundaneness of life. Everyone on social media puts forward the best and most put-together versions of themselves… but you and I both know that reality doesn’t always look like that. Real life is full of dramatic twists and turns, unexpected jump-scares, and lots of dishes and laundry. And that sort of content is definitely not what’s being posted online for followers to “like.” In fact – I think the majority of people would probably “dislike” doing loads of laundry. I know I would.
But that is where the gratitude comes in.
Our thought lives are incredibly telling of our attitude towards things. Groaning at the sight of dog hair all over your freshly-washed work clothes, choosing to keep putting off scrubbing the floorboards that have some mysterious stain on them… it’s simple to choose to begrudgingly move through our days. But what if it was different?
The content I write on FaithandInk.org will always be full of real life experiences. Choosing to be excited about dusting the bookshelves is certainly not the easiest mindset shift, but beginning to train your mind into having a more joyous and positive outlook on small things helps the heaviness of life’s burdens feel significantly lighter. No, I certainly do not always enjoy doing household chores. But when I choose to look at it from a place of feeling honored to be able to serve my family and provide them with a clean and comforting place to come home to – it makes all the difference.
hi, i’m savannah!
I am the author and creator of FaithandInk.org. I am super happy that you’re here!
I have always had the desire to be surrounded by the arts. It’s consistently been one of my primary outlets for expression. I’ve kept journals throughout my life, have an embarrassingly large collection of photos, and am constantly trying to find opportunities for me to play my instrument or sing. As a kid, I’d write endless books and stories with the goal of becoming an author one day. As a teen, my hours were spent practicing my instrument in hopes of playing in a major orchestra. As an adult, I pack my old Canon 5DS every time I go on vacation and have my journal stowed away in my bag. Needless to say, I’ve always been a big fan of it all.
I’m currently married to the love of my life – Josh. We live in a very small town in North Carolina with our dog and cat. We met when I first moved to NC in 2022. I had started going to a new church in the area, and spoke to one of the pastors after the service. He had walked me to their new young adults ministry and had immediately introduced me to Josh. After hearing about my desire to serve in the church’s orchestra, the pastor let me know that Josh was one of the very well-loved drummers on the worship team. After that, Josh and I became friends almost instantly, and we are happily married!
As you’ve probably gathered by now, I am a huge advocate for all things music – most of my younger years were spent playing in orchestras and my iPod’s playlists were stocked full of Tchaikovsky. I’ve played French horn since 2011, and it truly is one of my biggest passions. It provided a sense of community, an outlet for my frustrations, and the feeling of being a part of something bigger than myself. I majored in Music Education in college, but had decided to pursue other career opportunities halfway through my degree. Despite not playing or teaching for a living like I had once planned, music will always be a huge part of my life.
Other than our shared love for music, Josh and I love finding activities to do together. We’ve both turned into homebodies as we’ve gotten older, and we honestly have a lot of fun because of it! We both enjoy cooking, binge-watching shows on Netflix, and playing any game that has caught our attention. We’re also big fans of soccer – specifically the Premier League. (Big Everton fans over here!) Both of us having grown up with video games, I’m very thankful we can both still find time to play together as adults. He and I both enjoy playing DnD, have spent countless hours playing Minecraft together, and recently both built our own PCs.
In the spaces surrounding some of our favorite hobbies, it’s not super common to come across other believers. Josh and I both have the desire to bring our shared love for Christ into those circles. By pouring into every person we encounter, my hope and prayer is that Jesus’s love for us will be shown and that He will be glorified.
Even if my personal beliefs do not align with your own, I am hopeful that you are able to find encouragement from the words I publish on Faith and Ink. I am still definitely learning how to navigate through life, and certainly do not have it all figured out. I would love to learn alongside you and support you in your journey of finding what “contentment” looks like for you.
Love God. Love people.